Thanks for sharing your experience!

Your success stories and testimonials support our mission so much by helping future clients feel safe and inspired committing to themselves and their healing and growth by hearing from other people who have been in the same position and are on the other side of it.

P.S. Did you know that greening the Sahara could save us trillions of dollars a year in tropical storm damage?

How To Make a Kick-Ass Video!

  1. 🎥Use an HD camera phone in LANDSCAPE* (wide/horizontal) or your favorite video setup ( works as well)

  2. ⏱2-3 Minutes Max

  3. 🧠Don’t overthink it! Take a few deep breaths, relax, and speak from your heart!

  4. 🐙This basic outline is a good format to follow, but feel free to make it your own:

    1. Introduce Yourself – Name, Title & Who Do you Serve (+ any awards/achievements)

    2. What was/were your biggest challenge(s) before working with me?

    3. What was the result of working with me, your transformational outcome / major life challenges navigated?

    4. What specifically is your favorite part of working with me, and why?

    5. Would you recommend me to others? If so, who / what kind of person?

  5. 🦖That’s it! You can email it to as an attachment or Dropbox link. Thank you so much and let us know if you have any challenges.

Check out these examples if you need some inspiration :-)

Justin Rosenstein
Co-Founder Asana, Founder One Project

Dave Heath
Co-founder & CEO, Bombas

Paul Austin
Founder The Third Wave

Josh Furman
Angel Investor

Ken Page
Founder of Deeper Dating
Best Selling Author

Horizontal vs. Vertical Video ;)